Become a Development Officer & help grow footy

AFL NSW/ACT is currently seeking applications for Development Officers who are dedicated and enthusiastic individuals interested in developing our great code.
The AFL Development Team plays an integral part in growing the game across the country including in the North West of NSW.
Members of the AFL Development Team, facilitate programs to introduce Aussie Rules to new audiences, predominately children.
A Development Officer is responsible for conducting sessions in a fun, inclusive and safe way at schools, community clubs and other groups. You don’t need to have lots of Aussie Rules experience to join the team, but you do need to be enthusiastic, a good communicator, and able to engage a group. We will teach you the footy skills component if you don’t have a background in AFL.
These are casual roles and hours vary depending on program scheduling. The roles often only require a person to do a few hours work a week (sometimes less, sometimes more) and suit people who do have the ability to be flexible with their availability for work.
A uniform, equipment and training will be provided to the successful applicants. Roles available in all towns in the North West where there is a footy club.
If this sounds like it might suit you, your partner, a family member, or a friend, or you just want to find out more information please contact Matt Crawley, AFL Development Lead NNSW at or call 0431 877 713.