AFL North West working toward a return to footy

AFL North West officials and club representatives will meet next week to discuss a return to the football field in 2020.
The meeting, to be held on Thursday, May 21, will see the AFL North West provide all clubs with further details on the return to play roadmap and also answer questions from the clubs.
In the meantime, Northern NSW regional manager Simon Smyth has provided an update as to where everything is at right now.
Return to Play
Here is a COVID-19 Update from our Acting CEO Tiffany Robertson which outlines our work with the State and Territory Governments to understand the revised Public Health Orders and impacts on community sport.
Dear AFL Community,
AFL NSW/ACT is working closely with the State and Territory Governments to understand the revised Public Health Orders and impacts on community sport.
The Office of Sport and key government agencies, including the Office of Local Government, are currently developing guidelines and principles for sporting organisations to recommence activity. This includes training in groups of up-to 10 people and access to sporting grounds.
The AFL and its State and Territory bodies have created a return to training and play framework, in line with the national Australian Institute of Sport ‘Resumption of Sport and Recreation Activity Framework’.
We are well advanced in our post COVID-19 season planning and will be ready to provide guidance to our network once we receive advice specific to NSW and the ACT from the State, Territory and Local Governments.
We look forward to providing further information to our community stakeholders on the resumption of AFL as soon as possible. Enthusiasm is certainly building as we start to see restrictions easing, and we thank you for your continued support and leadership during this return to training and play period.
Tiffany Robertson
Acting Chief Executive Officer AFL NSW/ACT
We have also completed significant scenario planning around return to play dates for each league ranging from mid June to mid August. Pleasingly all scenarios commencing within this window provide clubs an opportunity to compete in a traditional premiership season, highlighted by the chance to play each opponent at least once in the minor rounds and an exciting finals series. We are also making good progress and collaboratively working with our fellow winter and summer State Sporting Organisations as it relates to a revised 2020 winter season. We will provide further updates on start dates as this information becomes available.
Current training restrictions
The NSW Public Health order signed on the 30th of March 2020, remains in force and prohibits exercise in groups of greater than two. Similarly, the ACT Government is currently working with sporting clubs and organisations, including AFL Canberra to develop a plan for their return in coming weeks. Organised club activities are not currently permitted in both NSW and the ACT, and this includes club training in groups of up-to 10 people and access to sporting grounds.